Wednesday, October 19, 2011

we are not starving

These next few photos were taken in african countries. We are learning about third world countries at school and me and my friend were actually crying while looking at are computer screens and looking how these people live. If you think you are skinny then look at these photos then think again. Okay then I just went to put the photos in but it did not work so I will try another time but think about it when you are in grade six you might have to study this and if you are older and you are reading this then just think how you can help and you can get your neighbors and friends to help. We are so lucky especially if you get to live in Canada or United States of America. No offense if you live somewhere else.Sorry about the photos they arn't loading.

photos are cool


Hey I am sorry about not posting and I will try to post more often. I am doing a lot of homework so that is hard to juggle around posting reading and homework so sorry. I am going to post some picture and some videos soon maybe even today. Thank you to the people who are still going on. I need more people on because in the past few months I am getting less views. Please just keep playing around on here and enjoy.

Friday, October 14, 2011

sixth grade

I am having a great year so far and I am already have not forgotten anything. I am doing so great. I have also gotten a solo in the rememberance day ceremony next month.


I went shopping yesterday and got the coolest stuff I got book marks and books and cloths and so much other stuff


I went to a SELENA GOMEZ concert it was so much fun she wore the most amazing clothes all sparkly it was so cool